Welcome to RealViolinLessons.com
This site was created to provide observation opportunities for teachers who have been studying the Suzuki Method.
As a registered teacher trainer with the Suzuki Association of the Americas, I realized the participants in my teacher training courses often found it difficult to complete the observation requirement for the course simply because they were teaching at the same time that I was.
A few years ago, I videotaped hours and hours of lessons to use for a Suzuki Pedagogy class I was teaching at Valparaiso University. These lessons are now available to be viewed at your convenience on this site.
Please feel free to view the Sample Video to see the quality of sound and image of these videotaped lessons.
These videos are not designed to introduce specific teaching points, or be examples of specific teaching strategies… they are simply real violin lessons that have been videotaped and uploaded to this internet site.
As a subscriber to the site, you get to be a fly on the wall in my studio and watch as many or as few lessons as you wish.
This site does not take the place of Suzuki Teacher Training, nor should all of the observations in a training course be done via this site. The annual subscription is a nominal fee to cover the cost of maintaining the site. If it proves to be successful, it is my hope and desire to record other teachers and add their lessons to the site as well.
Edward Kreitman, Registered Teacher Trainer Suzuki Association of the Americas